22nd greenest country on the planet
Unique and unexplored destination for international events
22nd greenest country on the planet
wide offer, high level of service quality
public services, fast internet & multilinguality
more than 86 direct flights
great value for good prices
22nd greenest country on the planet
wide offer, high level of service quality
public services, fast internet & multilinguality
more than 86 direct flights
great value for good prices
With the help of Ambassadors Programme we will maximise potential for congresses and conferences in the capital city of Riga and throughout Latvia promoting important sectors of the Latvian economy including science and research, information technologies and manufacturing.
Latvia is a modern, developed and multicultural country, where you can experience the widest range of cultural events - opera and ballet, concerts, theatres, exhibitions, museums and national traditions.
You can enjoy the Baltic sea coastline, clean air and the fastest Internet in Europe (maybe all at once?)
Latvia Convention bureau has entered into agreement Nr. SKV-TL-2017/11 on July5, 2017, Nr. SKV-L-2017/348, on July 7, 2017 with Latvia Investment and Development Agency for receiving the aid, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund